A Revolutionary New Treatment for Varicose Veins

bullet imagebullet imageVaricose veins affect millions of people worldwide to varying extents. Though they're not inherently harmful in most cases, they have been known to cause considerable pain, swelling and embarrassment for sufferers. On occasion, some do cause other blood vessels to rupture, leading to excess bruising and discomfort as well as external bleeding though this often occurs when additional health concerns are present.

This particular condition results from loss of elasticity within veins. Those vessels and their internal valves begin lacking functionality, preventing blood from flowing properly. Those veins are left swollen, gnarled and hampering blood flow throughout the remainder of the body. A handful of treatments are available to combat varicose veins. Some consist of injecting a solution into the affected vessel, essentially killing the tissue, whereas others entail invasively removing the vein. In either scenario, the body automatically compensates by redirecting blood flow to healthy veins.

A different solution deemed venaseal has recently hit the market, providing patients with a new alternative. Much like physicians can now use medical grade superglue in place of stitches for certain topical lacerations, this type of substance has also been found effective in treating varicose veins. Although patients remain awake throughout the entire procedure, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area to be treated.

From that point, a catheter is inserted into the affected vessel through which the vein glue will be administered. Following injection, external pressure is placed on the vein, providing internal adhesion to seal off the vessel. As is the case with the procedure's predecessors, the body will compensate by sending blood through fully functional surrounding pathways.

Relief is often felt in as little as 20 minutes following vein glue treatment; however, complete visual results require a bit more time to appear. Patients typically need little recovery time after the procedure. Eventually, the body absorbs the damaged vein to generate the full cosmetic effect. Doctors have seen a 97 percent success rate among patients.

Critics may scoff at the idea of simply gluing a damaged blood vessel closed, but the treatment's track record speaks for itself. Many patients express concern over VenaSeal Vein Glue being swept away by normal blood flow, but this is not a factor. Keep in mind, varicose veins are caused by lack of blood flow, so no pressure is present to affect the product. Circulation has actually been said to improve following treatment due to elimination of diseased veins creating a negative impact on the patient.